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Abandoned Acres Farm

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Haunted Hay Rides, Haunted Mazes / Haunted Corn Mazes
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Our Haunted Attraction is a unique, immersive experience so prepare to be scared.

First up the Bloody Butcher Corn Maze is full of Mutant Pumpkins, Witches, Hillbillies, Wandering Corpses, Scarecrows and other insane farm animals.

Second is Big Top Terror Vision Corn Maze that is Carnival themed full of crazed clowns, misfits and deranged circus animals in a 3D environment (3D Glasses Included).

Each of our mazes are well over a quarter of a mile long each and as you travel trough the mazes you will enter buildings, barns and sets, animatronics and movie quality special effects with lots of actors!

Old Eli’s bride died, but he didn’t morn, he took up his knife and disappeared in the corn. You won’t see old Eli but if he smells your fear old Eli’s laughter is the last thing you’ll hear! The legend of abandoned acres farm is written in blood, all the bizarre and deranged deeds of so long ago. Is Old Eli still out there-somewhere-waiting for you? Come to Abandoned Acres Farm to find out. Come live the story... or die trying.

Never was ground made more fertile for evil than in these fields of blood-soaked corn. Our Big Top attraction sits on the oldest part of the farm that has been overgrown for years. Every fall the circus comes back to life bringing with it winding trails infested with demonic clowns who's only mission is to raise the circus of the dead by the fuel of your fear and sound of your screams... The roots of evil grow deep in fertile ground…

As you wander through the cornfields of Abandoned Acres Farm you find yourself in Old Eli's workshop. Step into the mind of a serial killer - Can you figure out the method to his madness before Old Eli returns? Come live the story or die trying!

Hours of Operation: September 27 & 28: 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm Every Friday & Saturday in October plus November 2: Dusk - 12:00 am October 13, 20, 24, 27 & 31: Dusk - 10:00 pm LIGHTS OUT on November 2

Admission Costs: General Admission: $35 : Both Attractions Fast Pass $55 : Both Attractions The Old Eli Experience $5 : Per Person CASH ONLY (No debit/credit cards)
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
All photos and videos within this listing are the property of Abandoned Acres Farm
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  • Best Haunt in Michigan

    Definitely better than the haunt.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Length of Event: 31-45 minutes
    Time Visited: After 9PM
    Would Recommend: Yes
    Suitable For Kids: Yes
    Posted October 2021

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  • Scary


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    Posted February 2020

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

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