
Haunted Detroit Tours

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Join us for a 2.5 hour ghost-hunting paranormal adventure through Metro Detroit! It’s unlike anything you’ve ever done before...

Haunted Detroit Tours will take you on a journey to haunted places in Metro-Detroit providing charter transportation, history of the sites, and tour guides equiped with ghost hunting tools such as digital cameras, infra-red thermometers, and EMF detectors to help identify potential ghost/paranormal activity.

Explore haunted buildings and historically haunted locations and become a Ghost-Hunter! It's a different kind of haunted attraction!

Your journey will begin at the designated meeting place. Guests will then be shuttled on chartered transportation to the haunted sites before taking in refreshments at a haunted “watering hole” and seeing more spooky sites!

Haunted Detroit Tours are led by experienced and professional tour guides that are both history buffs and paranormal enthusiasts. The tour is both educational AND entertaining!
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
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