
Beeson Mansion - Real Niles Haunt

  • 1507 Bond St.
  • Niles, MI
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Real Haunted Houses, Real Haunted Places
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The Beeson Mansion in Niles dates back to 1847 when it was built by a whiskey distiller. Shortly after, it was purchased by an attorney who serviced the Niles area, Strother Beeson. Beeson had an elaborate mausoleum built outside of the mansion for his deceased mother’s remains. As years went on, the mausoleum became a final resting spot for more members of the family, including that of Beeson's infant grandson.

The historic home is known to be haunted by many spirits, most notably that of the infant’s grieving mother. Her cries can be heard on quiet nights. Although the home is privately owned, paranormal lovers can still pass by and check out the mansion's exterior.

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  • Beeson

    This place is full of strange feelings. From being watched to whispers pierced in to your ears

    Posted 10/29/22

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  • Candle

    I drove past this place often to get to and from work. One night I heard loud crying and looked toward the house and saw a candle in one of the upstairs windows. It was as if the mother was standing there staring across the street.

    Posted 9/7/21

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,811
Last edit to this listing: 4/15/2021 (1440 days ago)

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