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The Gandy Dancer - Real Haunts in Ann Arbor MI

  • 401 Depot St.
  • Ann Arbor, MI
The Gandy Dancer Restaurant in Ann Arbor dates back to 1886 and offers an elegant setting and seafood cuisine. Before the building housed a restaurant, it operated as a railroad station that was an integral part of Midwest transportation. Rumor has it that the station was where people brought the deceased during World War I and bodies that weren’t claimed were kept in the basement. The location is believed to be haunted by those who were kept at the location. Witnesses have reported lights being turned upside down and glasses flying off shelves. Other reports include the ghostly figure of a man who likes to wander the halls.
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  • ghost women in picture

    I wish I could attach the picture that was taken, my little cousin has a kids camera where you can take pictures and they are immediately printed out on printer paper kind of like a Polaroid, me and my two little cousins took a picture, and the three of us were quite surprised when there were four people in the picture, standing behind us is very clearly a woman wearing a dress with an old fashion hairdo, you can even see her eyes and her nose in her mouth and she does not look very happy.

    Posted 7/25/22

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Last edit to this listing: 4/15/2021 (1439 days ago)

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