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Amway Grand Plaza Hotel - Grand Rapids MI Haunted Place

  • 187 Monroe Ave. NW
  • Grand Rapids, MI
  • 616.774.2000
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  (4 reviews)
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Yes - Open To Public
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In the hotel's smoking section, which is the old part of the building, objects have been spotted moving around by themselves.
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  • Ring ring ring

    I was at the hotel and we saw a review about room 336 and 337. It said that there had been strange activity so me and a few friends went there . There was a door with no name plate so we knocked to see if there would be a response. It was quiet but as we turned the corner we heard a ringing noise. We thought the went off fire alarm but it had stoped ringing. After a few seconds, the ringing had come from the room with out a name plate. So we all new there was no one staying there.

    Posted 3/23/25

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  • Elevator with a mind of its own

    My husband and I stayed there in fall 2020 for a family vacation. We were drawn in my the old look of the hotel. The first night we stayed there we were jolted awake by 3 VERY loud bangs front the room next door. We went to check the next day if there was anyone in the room next door. Since this was during covid times still, the door had a “sealed and cleaned sticker” on the lock and the door that was unopened, indicating that it was still clean and nobody was inside. The next day we get into the old gold and mirrored elevator up to our floor. The door opens to the 29th floor. A floor that is not accessible to anyone except hotel staff with keycard access. We did not get out because we were spooked but before we pressed the button to go back to our correct floor we looked out of the elevator and noticed how this floor was not remodeled at all. 1900s wallpaper lined the walls with a very old telephone and red velvet carpeting. Now I wish we got out and explored but my husband did make a good point that we may not have been able to get out since we checked the stair cases later that day to see if we could get back up there after our shock passed and there was no access to the 29th floor.

    Posted 6/30/23

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Bathroom jump scare

    Basically my friends and I were in the bathroom and I needed a tampon. I didn’t have one so I sent some friends out to go ask woman around if they had a quarter and I told them to not leave me alone bc I didn’t want a ghost to mess with me. Previously we were talking about the hotels history and how old it was and could be haunted. They came back I did what I had to do and after washing my hands a toilet flushed by itself. This is the downstairs bathroom that is almost a peachy inside color. One of the girls with me looked under the door and no one was in there so I said quickly after, “if you’re in here flush the toilet” and before I knew it I was bolting out the door because the toilet actually flushed on my command l. Totally gave a jump but super intriguing and exhilarating

    Posted 6/14/23

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Haunted room

    Woke up to find papers scattered all o er the floor and colleague next room over smelled of someone smoking a cigar

    Posted 4/26/20

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    9 out of 10 found this review helpful

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Contact Phone #: 616.774.2000

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Last edit to this listing: 4/21/2016 (3260 days ago)

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