
Nunica Cemetery - Nunica MI Real Haunt

  • Nunica Cemetery
  • Nunica, MI
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery dates back to 1883 and has had a number of mysterious paranormal occurrences throughout its history. There is a resident ghost that lingers here walking around the graveyard. He is believed to be Joel A. Bond, who is an intelligent spirit and mostly watches from afar. Also reported here are odd reading, orbs and general uneasiness, especially at night.
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  • Ringing of Bell

    During the day, I was visiting a loved one. At some point, while I was walking around the middle section of the cemetery, I hear something that sounded like a clear ringing of a bell off to the right side. It kept ringing and I went closer to the noise on that side. Once I reached that part, the ringing of the bell stopped and didn’t sound again. I didn’t really notice anything after that happened though.

    Posted 6/1/24

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  • My Local Thriller

    I visit here a few times a year not only to visit family and friends who have passed but to say hello to the ones I see most often there "The Dwellers" There are soooooo many and they, for the most part, do not bother you. These are the ones I see most often- The tall man in a suit and hat smoking a cigar, usually standing far away just watching, sometimes peaking from behind a tree. A woman in a flowy white dress who sometimes startles me as she can just appear right next to u or behind or float across the windshield as ur driving. The little Tiny Girl who stands in the same place everytime, almost looking like a 2 year old Dorothy Gale, she has something in her hand, maybe a teddy bear or baby doll. A young boy with plaid shorts, white shirt and suspenders, probably no older than 5, always showing himself and hiding again (playing), seen him laying across the top of headstones, up in trees, or just walking and watching. The creepier ones hide in the woods or walk about doing things to let u know they r there like kick up dust or the head lights in your car will shut off while facing another direction... I could go on and on about this place and what I've seen here. I was born n lived in this small town or surrounding areas for 40 years now and it's never a dull moment at Nunica Cemetery.!!! I have mostly come to welcome what I SEE here but I'll never stop being uneasy about the noises I hear and cannot see... This is definitely an active place to see paranormal activities any day of the week but I wouldnt recommend going at night on ur first date with this place. Also, the smell of sulfar is strong in the air on some days!

    Posted 1/11/21

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  • Smelled cigar smoke...

    I visited this cemetery around 2006 and smelled cigar smoke when there was no one nearby smoking a cigar. In fact, my spouse and I were the only people there.

    Posted 11/18/20

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Very easy to miss

    The cemetery is easy to miss. Eccentric headstones surrounded by creepy woods. Lion statue was much more frightening in person than pictures.

    Posted 8/13/17

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    3 out of 6 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,633
Last edit to this listing: 4/19/2016 (3262 days ago)

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