
Oakland Community College - Real Haunts in Royal Oak MI

  • 739 S. Washington Ave.
  • Royal Oak, MI
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This college was once a hospital and there is allegedly a tunnel that connects Highland Hall to High Oak Hall. It has been said that it begins in the basement of Highland Hall, which was once a morgue. Both the basement and the tunnel are believed to be haunted and witnesses have claimed to see an older man's apparition along with other eerie reports including cold spots, disembodied screams and other strange noises.
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  • Correction: Highland Lakes campus

    Its Highland Lakes, not Royal Oak. Used to be an old Tuberculosis hospital before becoming a school. I attended school there between 2008 and 2011. I used to go outside of Highland Hall during class breaks in the evening time, and would often get strong feelings of being watched or that I wasn't alone, though I was typically by myself. I would also sense a pretense in the High Oaks Hall, the building right next to Highland hall.

    Posted 4/21/20

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  • The door

    The campus is Highland Lakes. Though Highland hall has been torn down, High oaks hall still remains and was the children's wing of the hospital. It does have a stairway leading to the basement of the building, but janitors have it locked. you have to find a way to get it open to continue the adventure.

    Posted 2/21/18

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  • Right school, wrong campus

    You mean the Highland Lakes campus of Oakland Community College. There are 5 campuses, and the one you are referencing is not Royal Oak.

    Posted 9/30/17

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Last edit to this listing: 4/19/2016 (3262 days ago)

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