
The Paulding Light - Watersmeet MI Real Haunts

  • Old U.S. 45
  • Watersmeet, MI
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Also known as Dogs Meadow Light, haunting sightings have included a red light that turns white and disappears. It is believed to be the ghost lantern of a railroad worker who was killed after falling asleep on the job.

There is also signage on how best to observe the phenomenon at the site because it's so popularly visited. The signage suggests to "Park along [the] forest road facing north. The light will appear each evening in the distance along the power line right-of-way."
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  • Very interesting

    The light appears dim and becomes very bright and changes to red. It disappeared many times only to reappear.... It also seems yo move around some. There are a few possible legends behind the light. I'm just not sure.... worth seeing... Quite a few people were there to check it out. Some have seen it before.

    Posted 8/12/23

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  • I saw the Light!

    A1 experience

    Posted 10/31/20

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  • Totally worth it!

    Very awesome experience we didn't realize it's was in the middle of no where! The light is there! Ripleys had a 100,000$ reward to who ever could figure out where the light is coming from! You tube it!.. also a great campground near by on a beautiful lake!!

    Posted 7/29/18

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  • Paulding Light

    This has been PROVEN to be car headights!

    Posted 1/28/18

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  • Busy location with hours of lights

    We went to this location thinking we would be alone. Twenty people plus all waiting to see the lights. Lots of video and pictures captured. Well worth the drive. Lights flicker and they float closer to the obseevation area.

    Posted 8/13/17

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  • A little disappointed

    First, it was hard to find. It is well hidden. When I found the place the signage is no longer there. I stayed for a while but after seeing the lights (in my opinion) it seemed the it was just the car lights coming from the main road. Sometimes it made me question it and my husband and I have discussed it in length. All in all, I believe that everyone should see it to form their own thoughts on it. I did enjoy checking it out though

    Posted 10/5/16

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,105
Last edit to this listing: 8/2/2015 (3523 days ago)

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