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Traverse City State Hospital at Grand Traverse Commons - Real Traverse City Haunted Place

  • West 11th Street & Division Street
  • Traverse City, MI
  • 231-941-1900
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Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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Originally developed as the Northern Michigan Asylum in 1885, the psychiatric hospital was in operation for over 100 years and closed in 1989. Today the buiding is part of an area that has been redeveloped into the Village of Grand Traverse Commons where you can find walkways, expansive lawns, and acres of preserve land. The said building has since been remodeled, but the original structure remains and it is believed to be haunted. When the building was not in use and electricity was cut, lights were seen flickering. There are also unexplained voices that have been heard.
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  • scary

    I was homeless working 80 hours a week an i took a bayline bus to the myers and ended falling asleep i had a vision of me finding fossils in a trail called the hippie trail. i didnt know the past so i went an checked it out started finding bones an weired fossils. ever since that experience i been having weired things happen like im haunted

    Posted 3/10/25

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  • Lady named Sylvia

    I was in room 118 at the Munson Manner in February, 2024. I was staying there for my wife was in the hospital recovering from surgery. The first night, I kept hearing voices in the bathroom but no one was there. I kept hearing wood squeaking as if someone was walking in my room,. The second night, I was half asleep and between my bed and the north window, I heard a man voice say, Sylvia,Sylvia, where are you ? I sat up in bed and it was if a shadow was standing in the window. The following night, It thought I saw a shadow walk at the end of my bed near the west window. .in the room. I sat there on my bed, and I thought I saw a poddle laying on the bed. The last night, I was wearing ear plugs and I woke up with one on the night stand. I don't recall putting it there I do believe in after life, and I know one thing, there's diffidently spirits in room 118. I'm trying to research the directory of a lady or a poddle dog name Sylvia. I can't find nothing. Any help would be appreciated

    Posted 2/24/24

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  • Yes

    It's good

    Posted 2/2/24

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  • scary

    i used to live here a few months ago in one of the new remodeled buildings. nothing ever felt off or weird but i probably just got used to it anyways me and my brother were walking around at about 9 in the winter past one of the unremodeled buildings and the lights started flicking in it a lot

    Posted 9/10/21

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  • Demonic

    We were walking past a part being remodeled and saw lights turn on in a basement window then turn off and we both heard an evil scary laugh in there then the street light cut out. My bf and I both ran as fast as we could.

    Posted 5/12/18

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  • Years ago...

    We use to take college photography students to the old state hospital for a day trip every semester. We had so many creepy things happen there. Once we were standing on the front porch of one of the wings in the middle of November. It was about 45 degrees outside, but as we stood looking in the front door of one of the procedure buildings a super hot blast of air hit us in the face. Keep in mind most of the windows are busted out of these buildings... people standing to the left and right looking through the windows felt nothing.. 5-6 ppl in front of the door freaked out. That was one of the last trips we took before they stopped letting us on the grounds. Over the years we seen and herd a metric ton of things we couldn't explain, from chills and noises to sudden fits of nausea and light headedness. One of the rooms that still had the Electroshock therapy equipment and a tie down table was probably one of the most disturbing room in the place.. soon as you walked in the door you could literally feed every hair on your body stand on end and a heaviness or pressure.

    Posted 9/7/15

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  • so real

    I lived right down the road from it. One day me and a few friends went to check it out. U could literary feel the presence of someone or somthing.. The creepiest part of the place was the nurses cabin a little back from the asylumn. Its said that there was a doctor sick and twisted like his patients. He murdered a few of them and the nurses in that house. U cant even step a foot in the garage or u feel sick to ur stomache.

    Posted 9/6/15

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    12 out of 14 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 8/2/2015 (3509 days ago)

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