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Forester Inn - Real Carsonville Haunted Place

  • 2422 N. Lakeshore Rd.
  • Carsonville, MI
  • (810) 622-8606
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Across the street from this restaurant is the former home to the ghost that is known to haunt the area. Her name is Minnie Quay and she is said to linger at her old home.
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  • Ray is hell incarnate

    I don't know where to begin. Once upon a time I headed to Forester Inn to pick up a juicy Forester Burger (1lb.). Upon entry i was met by a mana named "Ray". He reminded me of an athletic version of Papa John. He had a small minion near his side who wore identical clothing but had a sinister grin on his face. He informed me that he was also "Ray". He told me to sit anywhere, gave me a can of sprite, a Keno paper and a tiny pencil. I ordered my meal and was distracted by the dusty taxidermy covering the Inn. While waiting I felt a pinch on my leg. I looked under the table and saw Ray biting me. I ordered him to stop, he got out from underneath, showed all of his teeth, and kicked me in the chest. I heaved my salad bar delight from my gullet and coughed violently. Good Ray brought out my burger and said "Ray! I told you not to kick strangers in the chest!" He responded "But Ray, you're a stranger here but once!". I laughed for a few minutes then bit into my burger. I loved it. Ray then yelled from the kitchen, "Damn it, who spunked in the ground beef?". It made sense. So overall, the place is haunted because little Ray is the Devil and naughty. I'll go back, burgers were great. The Indian store next door is owned and operated by a serial killer who fled Poland I heard.

    Posted 10/10/24

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  • Legit

    Grew up in Harbor Beach, and have been investigating the paranormal for four years now. O took my first team to the quay residence, the Forester inn across the street, as well as Minnie's grave. First of all, that house really is haunted, but not by who you think. In fact, Minnie never lived there. The house she lived in actually burned to the ground in the great fire of 1881. The house actually belonged to her Aunt Mary Quay. That's not to say that Minnie doesn't come through there, but the main spirit there is Mary. That said, it's private property and the woman next door owns it. DO NOT TRESPASS. Secondly, the Forester Inn was also found to be active. Former employee died tragically and hangs out there. Really sad story, but they are doing okay on the other side. Also, it wouldn't shock me of there are souls roaming all around that little town. There have been many sailors lost due to storms on lake huron, especially the storm of 1913. Bodies were washing up on the shore all the way from Port Huron to Port Austin.

    Posted 6/16/24

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    Me and my friend saw this inn on a most haunted list so we decided to go because why the hell not. When we got there we were very hungry and decided to stop at the restaurant to eat. A nice but creepy man helped us, his name was Ray, he was a giggler. After eating we went to get our stuff from the car. When we got to the car, there was a man leaning against it. We were scared for these reasons: 1. He was a man. 2. He had no shirt on. 3. He had no pants on. 4. He also had no underwear, but that’s besides the point. 5. This bitch had two fucking machete’s. 6. He pointed them at us and threatened to show us something darn crazy. We, like anyone else would , ran for our lives. We ended up hiding in the woods until he left, and got in our car and dipped. After that whole debacle, we went to a bar to get a much needed drink after seeing something that was in fact, darn crazy. Overall I would rate this a 10/10 if you’re looking for crazy and a 5/10 if you’re looking for ghosts, Ray was kind of sus.

    Posted 3/23/24

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  • My Family used to own the Forester Inn

    My grandmother owned the Forester Inn many years ago and my uncle lived on site. I'm from California, the only one in my family, but moved to Michigan a few years ago. My families cottage is just a little further down the road from the bar. As a kid when I would come visit (the bar was sold when I was really really young) we'd always stay at the cottage. My cousin's used to tell me stories, but I just tossed it up as a story. Many years later, when I moved here, the first trip we made to the cottage my mom and my uncle's blindsided me with their stories about their experiences at the bar, the house across the street, and the water. I won't disclose specifics, but my the time they were done I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. What was even more shocking was who it was coming from. One Uncle was a great story teller, but my other uncle and my mom have no capacity for story telling or believing in anything paranormal. They each had their own experienced at different times. All from footsteps and knocking and no one being at the door. To a vaguely lit window in the house across the street, sometimes with a silhouette in it. I'll try and share more at a later time, but this is legit. I'm not sure if it's still as active as it once was, but at a time there's no doubt.

    Posted 1/17/23

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  • Holy shit

    I went to this place one time with my parents. We were headed up from Florida and going to Port Austin. I was about 17 and we went into this restaurant. As soon as i walked in I couldn't help but notice the amount of taxidermy. Most of the taxidermy is also amateurly done.. there was even bits of rotten flesh on the newest addition (a cat). There was no one in it besides one man. He was standing on the bar looking straight up at the ceiling with his arms spread. His name tag said "Ray". Without looking over at us he said "Wanna hear my specials?". None of us said a peep and he goes "Your soul is the only thing on the menu." then started giggling in a high pitched tone. I started to think that was weird so we all walked out. Then the owner of the Indian American store next door kicked his own front door window out. He comes out the door with 2 machetes and says "what the hell you doing here? You wanna see me get real darn crazy?" And had no pants on. I got my ass in our van so fast you wouldn't believe it. We ended up staying at the campground down the road that night. We heard voices too close to our camper that night. We left and the next day we found a bloodied napkin stuck in our fender. It had "the chains are on" written in blood on it.

    Posted 9/4/20

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  • Forester Inn

    My close relative lives very close to forester inn. I would often eat there several times during the summer. At night I would watch in the windows of forester inn and would often see movement in the shadows. Behind the forester inn is a hidden pathway to the beach. The dock on that beach is the dock Minnie Quay killed herself on. I’ve spent many days of my childhood within the area and this building and I have felt a ghastly presence quite often while there. There is a very small neighborhood behind the forester inn and many of the residents truly seemed to be affected deeply by this “presence” the area had.

    Posted 2/23/20

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 4/19/2016 (3243 days ago)

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