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Memphis Cemetery - Memphis MI Real Haunt

  • 78171 Memphis Ridge Rd
  • Memphis, MI
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  (4 reviews)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This small cemetery may be entered through a narrow dirt road. At the very back of the cemetery, there are reports that you can find a large black marble stone called the "witch's ball." If you look closely, you can see faces and shadows appear. Witnesses have also reported hearing and seeing apparitions at the cemetery.
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  • Haunted

    Looking for a scare on Halloween night we headed to the cemetery. While there, we heard whistling and movements from the woods. We saw a light in the woods which we thought was a car in the distance at first but it was not. Lastly a shadow appeared in the woods that did not look friendly so we left quickly. We were there for about 6 minutes total.

    Posted 11/1/24

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  • Paranormal

    I have lived in Memphis for my whole life and have grown up with the witches ball tales. When I was about 17 I went to the ball on a full moon (so I could get the full experience) I am not kidding when I tell you the second I stepped onto the cemetery grounds I felt shivers all down my back and arms, it felt as if someone was grabbing me. As I made my way into the back towards the ball my ears started popping and ringing. The second I touched it everything stopped.

    Posted 10/21/21

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  • Great setting

    I went on a cloudy, sleety November day. The car path leading to the Witch's Ball is lined with old gravestones and gnarled trees. You have to round the bend of the path a bit before you can see the Miller grave site. The site features six small, black graves of the Millers and one big, black ball in the middle, presumably made in the early 1900s. I'm no haunted site explorer (just a local), but I found this place to be a great setting for a haunting because: 1) It's at the cemetery's edge, right in front of a big cliff leading to a forest. It's sectioned off from most other creepy, old graves, too, making it seem important. 2) It's well-kept. I expected the grave site's age to show, but the graves a nice black shade and readable. 3) It's a plot of graves. That makes it spookier to me. 4) There were coins on top of the sphere and on top of some of the gravestones. My guess is that they were placed to see if the sphere actually moves at night. But that doesn't account for the coins atop the gravestones.

    Posted 11/30/20

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  • In witches ball-nothing

    It's just a Big marble stone, nothing seen it. I lived 10 minutes away. Not even a scary cemetary

    Posted 8/30/20

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    0 out of 3 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 4,490
Last edit to this listing: 12/23/2015 (3359 days ago)

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