
Rotary Park Woods - Real Haunts in Livonia MI

  • 7 Mile Road and Mayfield Street
  • Livonia, MI
  • 734-466-2410
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There are reports that little girls were killed in the woods here and their spirits continue to roam the ground. Some report hearing weird noises and screams, which tend to occur at night along the nature trails. In the distance, some have seen the spirits of the little girls in white dresses moving around the grounds.
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  • In the woods

    My mom is big into going hiking so in the winter my friends and my family and I all went hiking here in the winter. We sorta got lost and the sun ended up setting while we were still in the middle of the woods. My and my friend were ahead of the group when we saw a girl in a Wight dress standing in the tree branch above us than vanished. Me and my friend were screaming all the way back to my parents. (we found our way out by the way)

    Posted 10/25/23

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  • About To Investigate

    I want to investigate this location and make a video on the park. im trying to gather as many stories as i can before i go. any livonia natives who are willing to provide proof and their stories for me so i can get a accurate timeline down before gathering my equipment and heading out there. my email is My main focus is when did the folk lore of these little girls start? is there any proof that little girls were murdered there?

    Posted 10/9/23

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  • two suicides

    As a Livonia native, my best friend’s house backed up to the woods. Her neighbors knew a woman who hung herself in the forest. Also October of 2021 a man hung himself on the exercise equipment in the park.

    Posted 8/7/23

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  • Captured girl in dress

    So a few years ago me and my friend went to explore the park at night now I took a bunch of photos with my phone and in one of them top right corner on a tree branch is a little girl in a white dress and I still have the photo

    Posted 10/7/21

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  • Demonic

    So my friend and I went there about 3 years ago around 3am and we got out of the car to walk the trail we took 2 steps and had a bad feeling so we turn around we got back to the car and we hurd a demonic laugh

    Posted 7/11/20

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  • Witnessed little girl in woods

    One night in the summer/fall about 5 years ago me and my boyfriend along with his sister and her boyfriend went into the park at 2 AM. About 30 feet in we started to smell a faint cucumber smell almost like a bath and body works spray. After 45 mins goes by I turned around to a little girl all dressed in white with long black hair bending over picking something up off the ground. This was about 50 feet fom where we were! I screamed my boyfriends sisters name because I thought it was her but it just so happens she was right next to us. I freaked out when I read about the haunting 3 years later from that date! It described everything I saw that night! I highly recommend a late night visit!

    Posted 3/15/16

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Last edit to this listing: 12/21/2015 (3382 days ago)

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